Integrative Manual Therapy increases equilibrium of the being as a whole. As the being is more balanced and relaxed, the body usually becomes stronger and is able to heal itself. Techniques include Osteopathic Manual Therapy: Organ specific precise gentle manual therapy for complex physical issues to alleviate pain, restore function and promote health and well-being. Visceral manipulation, Neuralmeningeal Traumawork, Manual Articular and CranioSacral Therapy techniques will be used as appropriate for the individual.
Manual Therapy: may include Myofascial, CranioSacral, Visceral, Neural, Meningeal, Traumawork, Lymphatic Drainage, Brain Structure, Barral Listening Techniques:
Precise gentle Organ Specific Osteopathic manual therapy for complex physical issues to alleviate pain, restore function, and promote health and well being.
First session, Eval and treatment 1.5 hours $250
Following sessions 60 minutes $150, 90 minutes $250
Children and Infants $135/60 min.
Credit card payments add 3%